Warmth in Modern Architecture
A misconception that critics often have of modern architecture is that it’s cool and cold. However, the opposite could be argued. A large number of modern designs feature elements that are naturally warm and inviting, such as wood and stone. Floor-to-ceiling stone fireplaces, large windows that let in natural light, and vaulted post and beam ceilings— what could add more character and warmth than these wonderfully modern features? While the pattern may be linear, clean, and uncluttered—there is definitely warmth to be found in modern architecture. Also, most modern plans contain fewer walls, thereby creating a more welcoming, open living space that most people crave. Are you loving modern architecture yet? If you still desire a bit of traditional style, then keep reading….
admin September, 2021, 26
Reply To: Saeid
Your welcome
Saeid September, 2021, 26
Best Article Thank
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